
 Perhaps love.3.jpg 

1.  Yoyo近況報告:

Yoyo本週二(19日)住院進行第六次化療,這次的藥劑較低,副作用較  小,預計週六(23日)出院。這次檢查的CEA是38.2,變動幅度不明顯,yoyo有點失望,但想想第一線的治療已經結束,第二線的治療副作用較小,她心情也較輕鬆些。


2.  八卦事:

(1)  5月13日YOHA幫聚會,為了讓yoyo心思不要focus在治療的痛苦上,大家出些點子讓她分散注意力。Yoyo喜歡音樂,我提議讓塵封已久的鋼琴重見天日,另外也建議yoyo重回愛樂合唱團,享受天籟之音。但yoyo認為合唱團人多且屬密閉的空間,不適合她;我感嘆如果YOHA幫都住在附近的話,就可以組一個Band了。

(2)話鋒一轉,yoyo說,我們曾經上台演唱Perhaps Love,忘了嗎?(>_< 忘了)在大學時參加救國團鹿港采風研習營的晚會上表演。老天,yoyo的記憶如果是20Giga,我的記憶真的只有1Giga。

(3)  Perhaps Love是很美的一首歌,John Denver 和 Domingo曾經合唱過。相信大家對yoyo的關懷和愛,可以讓她很快復原。把這首歌送給yoyo,也和大家分享……


Perhaps love is like a resting place

A shelter from the storm

It exists to give you comfort

It is there to keep you warm

And in those times of trouble

When you are most alone

The memory of love will bring you home


Perhaps love is like a window

Perhaps an open door

It invites you to come closer

It wants to show you more

And even if you lose yourself

And don't know what to do

The memory of love will see you through


Oh, love to some is like a cloud

To some as strong as steel

For some a way of living

For some a way to feel

And some say love is holding on

And some say letting go

And some say love is everything

And some say they don't know


Perhaps love is like the ocean

Full of conflict, full of pain

Like a fire when it's cold outside

Or thunder when it rains

If I should live forever

And all my dreams come true

My memories of love will be of you




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